Homme d'Affaire
According to BBC NEWS : “A public inquiry has condemned the failings that led to thousands of people being infected with HIV and hepatitis C from contaminated blood. The independent privately-funded inquiry called the use of contaminated blood products to treat patients with haemophilia a "horrific human tragedy". The report suggested UK authorities had been slow to react, but accepted it was hard to directly apportion blame. In the 1970s and 1980s, nearly 5,000 people were exposed to hepatitis C. Of these, more than 1,200 were also infected with HIV. Almost 2,000 of those people have since died as a result.”
Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7901467.stm
In France, Dr Samuel Claude who is an oral surgeon denounced the dangers of dental contamination while exposing the case of contaminated blood. By doing so he was removed from his duties and banned for life.