La Bolivie brouillée
Bolivia is a country in crisis, ravaged by tensions and internal conflicts ; a nation threatened by separatist divisions between the autonomous opposers and the government of Evo Morales.
These images are made from a report broadcasted on Arte. The signal was blurred. And this jamming, present in these photos, establishes a metaphor which embodies and translates visually the chaos reigning over there.
The fact of taking these photos in my hotel room here in France (in Nimes), presents a spatiotemporal gap with the subject.
This gap breaks any conformist notion of the photoreport. Nevertheless, the artifice embodied by this jamming and which gives this report its hypocrisy, presents marvelously a vision not far from what is really happening over there. This report is fake but not fictitious.
By this work, I also question what makes an image political : is it political by its subject? Or by the means and conditions of its shooting?
“All is political which breaks the orderly order of things” - André Rouillé.