Radio God Projects
The sum of five projects and some individual photos that explore the relationship between the photographer and the “Divine” composed by an interplay between a personal photographic vision and the religious imagery.
The notion of light is exploited through a dual concept : the transcendental light as figured through religious imagery in opposition to the “make it happen” and “directed” light made by the photographer, following his own impression towards the architecture of the place and its icons. This work is a meeting point between the “believed in” and the “crafted” in order to form a “photographic prayer”.
Some details are erased by light. They fade into energy that goes beyond the physical and material representation, but also beyond its metaphysical aspect ; an energy that is exclusive to a photographic vision in competition with a religious belief.
The excessive noise and contrast in some of these pictures give them a graphical/transmission aspect that shows a reworked and reimagined broadcast of light. The noise is also presented as a visual reaction ; a photographic interference towards the silence occupying these holy places.
The believers can reach the other side through a prayer that connects them to the Divine. The non-believers who are visiting these places, may also feel a contact within a sensation given to them by the aura generated from the religious architecture and its iconography.
As for me the photographer, the other side can be reached through the reflections of this place and its people. These reflections produce layers where light and colors form a spiritual atmosphere. Some pictures are in their core "impressionistic" since they show my impression towards this holy place and (on the other hand) its effect on me.
These photos were taken in France at the churches of Saint-Etienne-du-Mont, Saint-Severin, Saint-Sulpice, Sainte-Trinité and Saint-Léon in Paris, also at the church of Notre-Dame and the Cathedral of Saint-Louis in Versailles, the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Amiens and finally the church of Saint-Christophe in Créteil.
Work began on these projects on October 2013 and was concluded on May 2020. It was previously updated on April of the same year following the burning of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
A huge “thank you” to my dear cousin Robin for his help.