Tarkovsky - Church Closed
This montage is a tribute to the extraordinary filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky.
The background image of the church refers directly to the spirituality and christianity represented in his movies.
The foreground image comes over as a blocking space, a separation, a censorship, and a forbidden zone from where some tubes and a red conduit come out. They represent the creativity and the sense of escape out and against the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union ; the work of Tarkovsky has always been a victim to the censorship of the Soviet regime. As a separation and a forbidden zone, this foreground image represents the exile of Tarkovsky to Europe and the fact that his wife and son were held back in Russia ; not allowed to join him.
Finally, these tubes and conduit refer to tuberculosis from which Tarkovsky suffered when he was young ; he was then hospitalized from November 1947 to spring 1948. At the end of his life, he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. His wife and actor Anatoli Solonitsyn (who played in the film “Stalker”) died in the same way. This leads to a possible conclusion that they were all poisoned while making this movie near a chemical plant.